Here are some of the best ability cards in RDO that you will want to check out. It is a lot of fun to experiment with your options. Many of these cards have effects that can work with the effects of other cards to create unique and useful “builds” for your character. Nevertheless, there are some that are just exceptionally helpful.
Much like choosing a gun, the “best” cards will be those that suit your play style. Ability cards can be purchased, upgraded, and selected under the “Abilities” section of the menu. There are three categories of Passive Ability Cards: Combat Ability Cards, Recovery Ability Cards, and Defense Ability CardsĮach ability card can be upgraded three times to make them increasingly more effective. You can have three Passive Ability Cards selected at one time, and they modify your gameplay without needing to be triggered or activated. You can only have one Dead Eye Ability Card selected at a time, and it determines what effects you get when you activate dead eye.
There are two types of cards that you can equip: Dead Eye Ability Cards and Passive Ability Cards. One way that you can improve your character in RDO is by unlocking, purchasing, and equipping ability cards. Which Ability Cards Will Help You Dominate the Frontier?